Volume IX – Unclassified Contracts?  Foreign Buyers Still Make a Difference

Last month, we discussed the extent to which a foreign buyer can introduce an unacceptable level of foreign ownership, control, or influence (“FOCI”) that, absent mitigation, will render the target ineligible for the facility security clearances needed to perform classified work. This month, we look at foreign ownership through a broader lens.  Specifically, we consider how the United States regulates the proposed acquisition of a U.S. business by a foreign interest, irrespective of whether classified contracts and classified information may be involved in the planned transfer.Continue Reading What You Need to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions Involving Government Contractors and Their Suppliers

Volume VI —Organizational Conflicts of Interest:  When the Whole Is Less Than the Sum of Its Parts

An organizational conflict of interest (“OCI”) arises when the performance of one contract undermines a contractor’s objectivity or creates an unfair competitive advantage with respect to another contract.  An agency cannot issue an award to a contractor that possesses an OCI unless that OCI has been avoided, mitigated, or waived.  Many government contracts include clauses that require contractors to avoid potential OCIs, to notify the Government of any OCIs that arise after award, and to work with the Government to mitigate any such OCIs.  Some contracts also avoid OCIs proactively by precluding the contractor from performing specific types of work.Continue Reading What You Need to Know About Mergers and Acquisitions Involving Government Contractors and Their Suppliers

By Louis Victorino and Jonathan Aronie (originally published in the San Diego Business Journal)

It has been noted, the more things change, the more they stay the same. In the world of Government Contracts Law, however, the more things change, the more the phone rings. And while we’re only a few weeks into 2013, the phone has been ringing off the hook. Here are a few of the reasons why.Continue Reading What Does 2013 Have In Store for Government Contractors and Their Lawyers?

By Marko W. Kipa, Anne B. Perry, and Lucantonio N. Salvi

An acquisition transaction involving a government contractor brings with it a unique set of rules and regulations. There is no shortage of frequently changing and complex requirements regulating a government contractor’s operations, and a firm grasp of these requirements is crucial both to arriving at a proper valuation of a target company and to understanding the risks associated with the transaction.Continue Reading No Stone Unturned–Mitigating Risk In A Government Contracts Due Diligence

By: Marko W. Kipa

The United States Court of Federal Claims recently reaffirmed the applicability of two exceptions to the Anti-Assignment Act (the “Act”). Liberty Ammunition, Inc. v. United States, 2011 WL 5150221 (Fed. Cl. Oct. 31, 2011). Specifically, the Court acknowledged that (1) the Government may prospectively waive the Act, and (2) the Act does not prohibit the transfer of an agreement where the transfer occurs by operation of law. Id. at *6-8. Notably, the Court’s decision provides further guidance for contractors undertaking corporate reorganizations and/or examining whether a particular acquisition transaction requires the execution of a novation agreement. We previously discussed the novation requirements here.Continue Reading Court of Federal Claims Reaffirms Exceptions To The Anti-Assignment Act

By Lucantonio N. Salvi and Marko W. Kipa

A government contracts due diligence encompasses a broad range of statutory, regulatory, and contractual issues. One issue that we always consider is compliance with the Anti-Assignment Act (the “Act”), which prohibits the transfer of a government contract to a third-party. While the Act does not strictly apply to subcontracts, we nevertheless must review them, as well as other agreements (such as teaming agreements), for contractual anti-assignment provisions. This review was facilitated in the past by the widely held view among practitioners that a stock purchase or reverse triangular merger, without more, does not generally result in an assignment and therefore does not require the counterparty’s consent. This is particularly relevant since most sales and purchases of government contractors are structured as stock purchases or reverse triangular mergers (i.e., an acquisition structure in which a subsidiary of the buyer merges into the target company and the target company becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of the buyer once the merger is consummated).  In both cases, the separate corporate identity of the target company is preserved, and the parties generally avoid the need to obtain Government consent to novate government contracts held by the target company.  The traditionally prevalent view even finds support under federal case law in the context of government contractors. See Appeals of Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., ASBCA Nos. 44731, 44826, 97-1 BCA ¶ 28,835 (holding, among other things, that reverse triangular mergers are stock purchase transactions where the acquired corporations retain their separate corporate existence and in which the acquired company’s contracts are in most cases unaffected).
 Continue Reading Meso Scale: Re-Defining The Implications Of A Reverse Triangular Merger?

By Marko W. Kipa

We all now realize that, contrary to the pronouncements of certain pundits, the world is not economically flat.  But it is undeniable that its citizens and businesses are more economically connected than ever before. One manifestation of this interconnectedness is the increasing number of cross-border acquisitions of business enterprises. In most cases these transactions do not become the subject of public discussion or detailed government scrutiny.  But when foreign entities seek to purchase U.S. government contractors who perform classified national security work and therefore hold facility security clearances (“FCLs”), the U.S. Government is anxious to know, among other things, the extent to which the company is the subject of foreign ownership, control or influence (“FOCI”).  Being under FOCI can sound the death knell for a company’s ability to perform classified work, with consequent loss of business that may be critical to the company’s continued status as a going concern. But that outcome can often be avoided by development and submission of a FOCI mitigation plan which, if accepted either as submitted or modified, can enable the company to continue performance of national security work.
 Continue Reading Evaluating FOCI In The Context Of An M&A Transaction

As though the risks inherent in a merger or acquisition were not enough to turn any business person prematurely gray, when one or both of the entities in play are federal contractors, the risks become even greater. One of the primary sources of these additional risks is the federal Government’s novation rules. Anyone looking to buy or sell a federal contractor must be familiar with these rules, which are set out at FAR 42.1204. 
 Continue Reading Novations: A Simple Checklist For A Not So Simple Requirement

Effective December 22, 2008, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”) issued new rules relating to the procedures that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS” or “the Committee”) will use in reviewing foreign investments in U.S. companies.  See 73 Fed. Reg. 70702.  The revised, final rules continue to focus on the potential impact that a particular transaction may have on U.S. national security and retain many of the features of the proposed rules, which we have previously discussed here and here.Continue Reading Treasury Issues Final Rules Describing Procedures For Reviewing Foreign Investment In U.S. Companies

As discussed in a prior posting on this blog, the U.S. Department of the Treasury published on April 21, 2008 proposed rules designed to strengthen the process by which the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States ("CFIUS") reviews and approves certain business transactions involving foreign investment. The proposed rules were issued under the Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-49 (“FINSA”), which requires a more intense CFIUS process that allows the government more discretion in investigating and altering business transactions that may impact national security.  The U.S. Department of the Treasury invited comments on the proposed rules through June 9, 2008.  Now that the comment period is over, we thought it might be worthwhile to see what types of comments were received.  Not surprisingly, it is a mixed bag.Continue Reading Comments On Proposed CFIUS Rules Range From Cautious Praise To Outright Criticism