Cell phone and laptop searches do happen but they are relatively rare. Although the Fourth Amendment right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures is drastically reduced at a port of entry, as are expectations of privacy, U.S. Customs & Border Protection (“CBP”) has internal protocols requiring Officers to have some basis for the search. Below, we dive into the CBP protocols and what to expect if you are selected for a search. Continue Reading Will CBP Search Your Laptop and Cell Phone at the Port of Entry?
Visa Checklist for Employers, Entrepreneurs and Investors
By Sheppard Mullin on
Posted in Customs, Immigration
Hiring the right talent can maximize the success of your company, and sometimes hiring a foreign national on a work visa is essential. We have prepared this overview of U.S. visas to help you and your company better understand the array of visas and their requirements.Continue Reading Visa Checklist for Employers, Entrepreneurs and Investors