As the Federal Government struggles to secure a sufficient volume of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) – i.e., gloves, masks, gowns, face shields, etc. – for the nation’s health care workers and first responders, states and localities have begun taking it upon themselves to identify and protect the resources available within their geographic boundaries. These efforts have resulted in a growing number of state and local orders targeted at manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors of PPE and medical equipment.

To help navigate these orders, we have prepared an overview of some of the states and localities that have issued orders as of April 8, 2020 relating to PPE and/or medical equipment, available here . Of course, the COVID-19 landscape changes rapidly (in some cases, daily), and this informal list should not be used as a substitute for reviewing the actual pronouncements of the leaders in the states and localities in which you operate.

 Coronavirus, PPE

NEW!! Check out Sheppard Mullin’s Coronavirus Insights Portal which now aggregates the firm’s various COVID-19 blog posts on a broad range of topics. Click here to view and subscribe.

*This alert is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to form an attorney client relationship.  Please contact your Sheppard Mullin attorney contact for additional information.*