Introduction by John W. Chierichella
In the halcyon days of yesteryear, IDIQ contracts occupied a quaint niche in Government contracting in which small quantities of idiosyncratic products or services could be acquired without much procurement ado. No more. Sparked by serial iterations of legislative procurement reform, IDIQ contracts have become bigger business than anyone ever anticipated. As the use of this once overlooked procurement vehicle has exploded across the federal landscape, so too has the potential for — and the reality of — disputes relating to the award, performance and termination of IDIQ contracts. Recently, three of our Government Contracts lawyers — Jonathan Aronie, Marko Kipa, and Keith Szeliga — published an article in the Public Contracts Law Journal surveying the state of the law in IDIQ-land. With permission of the Journal, their article is reproduced in full in this issue of our blog.
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